
customized Quiz for interactive campaign

When BMO for Women started thinking about International Women's Day a few things were clear: they wanted a campaign that was creative, engaging, and educational while supporting serious messages of inclusion, and economic empowerment.

To help BMO for Women get the competitive edge, we created a web-based and mobile-friendly quiz with simple animations, click-and-touch screen interactivity, and tracking/scoring for a dynamic and accessible experience. Whether users answered the question correctly or not, they were provided reliable information and statistics to help further their understanding of gender parity and could share their results online/invite new people to play.

BMO’s endeavor to recognize the importance of gender equality was played and shared by thousands of users across the globe. The initiative was an important social outreach and marketing tool that not only brought both men and women in to learn about gender parity and facilitate an online conversation but BMO was able to glean insights from analytics that could help them shape future programming and campaign planning. Additionally, the BMO team was able to integrate the quiz as an engagement tool at onsite events/conferences/meetings and in-class learning modules to support BMO for Women’s programming and promotion above and beyond International Women’s Day.

Audience: Global reach across social media.
Year: 2019
